Filmoteka Muzeum

The Grim Reaper is a minimalist animation made with nails, a rubber band and a simple grid drawing. The text read out by a little girl is a description of the situation unfolding on the screen. The precise language of description is enhanced with philosophical arguments pertaining to the way the world functions. The artist taps into simple and at times humorous illustrations to tackle the matters of profound existential nature. The use of a child’s voice and elements of informal speech enable the author to explain his geometrical, cool concept in a comforting and comprehensible way. For The Grim Reaper is similar to Bosacki’s earlier formally rigorous constructivist mechanisms except for the fact that here the author offers an explanation of his work, its principles and purpose. The Grim Reaper received an honourable mention in a competition of the Media Art Biennale WRO in 2009.


Year: 2008
Duration: 2'50''
Language: Polish
Source: BETA SP

© Piotr Bosacki

Acquisition date: Dec 1, 2011
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit