WWB TV. Relax Studios project

In 2005 49% of the world population was living in the cities. Humanity is now urbanized for the first time in history. But what the cities of today really are?

Toxic slums of crime and misery, industrial platforms of neo-fordist production, gentrified centers for financial services and cognitive capitalism – cities are all of the three and possibly more than that. In each case contemporary city results from mutations of world capitalism and at the same time is fueling and actively shaping its expansion. Cities are extremely dense milieus of socialization, social and economic exchange, capitalistic and non-capitalistic productivity. As such they are places of dwelling and survival, laboratories for strategies of control, technologies of power as well as workshops of collective and individual struggles and resistances. Cities are forges of our present and steel mills of our future.

See also:

Other archival events from that cycle:

DzieńGodzinaNazwa wydarzeniaMiejsce wydarzenia
Cycle WARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3Back to the city various locations
12:00 Workshops GrochoWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
14:00 In public space Grochów caleidoscopeWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 various locations
17:40 Workshops The Sady Club. A culinary workshop in the Sady area of ŻoliborskichWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3
Sady Żoliborskie 7 m. 7 , Warsaw
15:00 Seminar How to create a zoning scheme? WARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 Financial Center
ul. Nowy Świat 6/12, Warsaw
16:30 Excursion Mellow Green LightWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
19:00 Debate Department of Ideas. PragaWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3
Wieleńska 23, Warsaw
16:00 Workshops How to execute a plan? WARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
19:00 Lecture Markus Miessen. The Nightmare of ParticipationWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 Palace of Culture and Science
Plac Defilad 1, Warsaw