Andrzej Wróblewski - FROM WITHIN / FROM WITHOUT
Lecture by Tom McDonough

Tom McDonough: On the Death of Stalin: Wróblewski and „Mourning News”

Tom McDonough - Associate Professor and Chair of Art History at Binghamton University, State University of New York, where he teaches the history of the European avant-gardes and modern art and architecture. His most recent book is the anthology The Situationists and the City (Verso, 2009); other publications include “The Beautiful Language of My Centuryˮ: Reinventing the Language of Contestation in Postwar France, 1945–1968 (MIT Press, OCTOBER Books, 2007), and the anthology Guy Debord and the Situationist International: Texts and Documents (MIT Press, OCTOBER Books, 2002). From 2005 to 2012 he was an editor at Grey Room and he publishes on contemporary art regularly in journals and exhibition catalogues. McDonough has been a visiting scholar at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, a Getty Postdoctoral Fellow, and a recipient of an Arts Writers Grant from Creative Capital/Andy Warhol Foundation.