III Syncretic Show „Pakamera” in Puławy, 1966 (1-8/8)

"A happy mood prevailed in 'Pakamera' at the Puławy symposium; a cosy, softly lit room with potted flowers. Only the clothes on the hangers seemed a little strange: they crumbled at the touch. And despite all its warmth, everybody who entered the room quickly backed out again: the styrofoam floor screamed like a live organism and with every step the howl became more unbearable"

(Jerzy Ludwiński, Włodzimierza Borowskiego podróż do kresu sztuki, "Kresy" 1996, No. 4)


The show took place during the Symposium of Artists and Scientists entitled "Art in the Changing World" that was held at Zakłady Azotowe in Puławy in August 1966. The originator of the symposium was a critic Jerzy Ludwiński. More than 30 artists and several critics participated in the exhibitions and other associated events. In Puławy Borowski showcased two Syncretic Shows - "Pakamera" and "Furnace offering."