„The Knot of Apocalypse”, Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw, 1984 (1-7/7)
The exhibition ‘Apocalypse – A light in the dark’ was organized in the Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw by Janusz Bogucki and Nina Smolarz in December 1984, less than two months after Father Jerzy Popiełuszko’s assassination. The exhibit consisted of two parts. The first part, which was hosted in the basement of the church, was a showcase of installations by Włodzimierz Borowski, Jerzy Kalina, Grzegorz Kowalski and Roman Woźniak. The second part took place in the catacombs and was a display of works referring to apocalypse understood as a catastrophe in a historical, political or personal sense. Just like other “church” exhibitions organized in the 1980s, this one was also seen in the light of current political and social situation.
Borowski’s installation entitled ‘Węzeł Apokalipsy’ was situated between four pillars, all of which were entwined with ropes. In the middle there was a mirror covered in red paint and with a knot (a stone entwined with ropes) hanging over it.
In the 1980s Borowski was involved in several exhibitions held in churches including ‘Znak Krzyża’ in the church on Żytnia Street in Warsaw (1983), ‘Apocalypse – A light in the dark’ in the Church of the Holy Cross (1984), ‘Droga Świateł’ in the church on Żytnia Street (1986), an exhibition in Kościół św. Krzysztofa in Podkowa Leśna (1986) and ‘Labyrinth’ in Kościół Wniebowzięcia Pańskiego (1989).