Polish Performance Archive

Description by Filmoteka Muzeum

Like in Compromises, the artist poses to himself a simple task, which he then carries out meticulously. Sikorski records on camera a range of acts of drawing, which come as somewhat of cognitive tests – tests for the memory, body, potential of expression, perception, etc. The artist carries out simple drawings of a bicycle, map of the world, airplane, e.g. with both of his hands at the same time, with his eyes closed, with his eyes open, etc.

The cool eye of the camera is pointed at all these complex activities, revealing hesitations, deficiencies of memory and problems involved in carrying out simple activities in front of the camera. Much against the artist’s intention to come up with the best drawing possible, the errors and imperfections captured on camera become the actual protagonists of the film and something that the viewer anticipates throughout the screening.
